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Strategic SEO goes beyond the technical

Updated: Jun 17

The mere fact that your brand has an online presence is not enough to guarantee that your website, e-commerce, or blog will secure a place on the first page of search engines. It is necessary to have a strategy to optimize the results and work to ensure that your business achieves good web positioning for the most important keywords in its segment.

A good SEO strategy does not start with technology; rather, it is supported by it. This means that, before writing a line of code, there are other priority issues that must be clear and resolved.

In this article, we tell you about the importance of defining and planning the content that will inhabit your website to attract quality traffic. Additionally, we teach you about the E.A.T methodology, with which you will surely take your content to another level.

SEO is not just technology.

In general, when organizations, brands, businesses start talking about creating, redesigning, or changing a website, they are mainly concerned about the technical aspects of SEO. So, they ask themselves: what platform are we going to use? What CMS? What type of plugins?

However, the only thing they don't worry about is asking themselves: what content are we going to create for the website? How are we going to help our user find what we want them to find? And, surprisingly to many, this is what they should be questioning first. The heart of the story then lies in defining what your brand is going to say and what it is going to communicate to its ideal user to attract them.

In the SEO universe, content is king

Before focusing on the technical aspects of SEO, we must take a series of steps to define a strategy and develop a content plan that helps us attract the right audience and generate quality traffic to our website.

Therefore, initially, we must know how we are going to be relevant to the user, how we are going to make that user really love and admire us to the point of becoming an evangelist. Let's analyze it with a very human example: when you are a child and have a problem, you try to seek someone you trust; call it dad, mom, grandma, whatever. This behavior is natural in us, and over time, you look for solutions or seek some kind of consultancy or advice from people who you believe or think are experts and can provide the best help on a subject.

This is how the entire web content strategy should be aimed at turning a business into just that for its audience: a reliable figure they can turn to for solving their problems and meeting their needs.

Is there a methodology for developing a web content strategy correctly?

To begin with, we must be clear about what the business objectives are and, based on them, specify what specific objectives we want to achieve with a web SEO strategy.

Secondly, it is essential that the brand or business define how it wants to be identified and known by its user persona or ideal customer, that is; for what reasons they want their brand to be found and thus establish under what terms or search concepts people will reach their website.

Once this is clear, we must go a step further, identifying and correctly communicating to the audience what makes the brand different and unique from the competition, in order to generate possible preference and distinction compared to others who offer the same service or product.

To achieve effective content creation that generates real impacts and positive results, a technique called E.A.T. is useful, an acronym in English that stands for Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness, and what it is about is that through the contents of a website, one must manage to demonstrate that the brand meets each of these three aspects or pillars.

Steps for a correct creation of web content that contributes to SEO

Many will wonder if there is a series of steps to make an appropriate and correct creation of content for the web that helps SEO, and while there are various opinions and ways of doing it, we consider that the same methodology used for inbound marketing can be used:

1.Define objectives: the first step of the strategy should be to define what the objectives are that lead us to optimize a website. It is recommended that these SEO objectives be aligned with business objectives.

2. Define a buyer and/or user persona: secondly, we must determine who the audience we are going to address will be, describing it perfectly and understanding who that audience is and what its characteristics, interests, problems, and needs are. Keep in mind that the construction of this buyer persona must be backed by data. Creating a buyer persona will help us define the communication language, the contents that catch their attention, and the best channels to distribute that content. This is how we can provide a direction to our strategy.

3.Establish what the relevant topics are: based on the previous knowledge obtained from our ideal audience, we must begin to plan contents in line with our business category but that, at the same time, are of interest to the audience we are going to address.

4.Research keywords: from this definition of topics of interest with which we can reach that audience through my brand, it is then when we begin to determine the keywords or key phrases that will allow that user to find me in search engines. A keyword is the term that users type into search engines to find content that addresses their concerns.

Finally, when starting to create this content, we must do it by demonstrating our experience, authority, and reliability, following the E.A.T. technique or methodology.

Take note of these recommendations to implement a correct SEO strategy that goes beyond the technical aspects and leverages content to increase traffic to your website!

We invite you to keep reading our blog to learn much more about search engine optimization.


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